Monday, October 22, 2007

It's so small...

It's hard to pay attention in class when you don't care. It's even HARDER to pay attention when you're annoyed. And it's the HARDEST to pay attention when you're angry. I'm sitting here between the middle and the latter. I seriously might throw myself off of a tall ---


I mean, I will honestly sock every person I see right in the mouth if ---


OK, so I guess I'll be alright.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tips on how to interact in class - Lesson 1

You don’t need to preface every statement made in class with “I was just gonna say…” Just say it. We'll get that you're "just gonna say it" when you say it. And while we're on that note, shut up after you make your statement. We don't need your life story.

Monday, October 15, 2007

A stream of consciousness.

Wow, I’m so bored. I don’t think I could be any more bored. Could I be more bored? No. I don’t think I could. This professor has the most boring, monotone voice in the world. How did he make it this far in life being this boring? Who gave him a teaching position? Do they know how boring he is? How boring this class is? How bored I am? Jesus, I’m so bored that I’m actually feeling a bit angry over it. I’m paying $30k a year to be bored. I almost paid attention to what the professor was saying for about a minute. My brain turned to mush and I was immediately propelled back to not paying attention. Unattention? Disattention? Is there a word for the state of not paying attention? My brain isn’t working because I’m so bored. God, I’m bored.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Spicing it up.

Law books are so boring. Take a look at this boring book:

So how do we make them more interesting? Simple. One carefully placed exclamation mark:

Publishers of legal books, take note.